Prices of products sold in the store FOROFOS include I.V.A. (Value Added Tax). Prices do not include shipping charges.
The purchases made within the member countries of the European Economic Community are subject to I.V.A. For purchases made in countries outside the European Economic Community, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla the prices listed in the store buffs are net prices.
Customs taxes are responsibility of the customer. We have no control over these charges nor can we predict theiramount. Forofos are not responsible for any customs fees thatmay be charged to the customer.
The purchasing system is subject to spanish legislation, so sales are considered as if taken place al FOROFOS´s shop, Coso alto 30-32. Pasaje. 22003 Huesca (Spain).
- Looking for items: On the left side of the website there is a dropdown menu where you can find items listed by families. Clicking on a family, you have access to a submenu which displays any items in the category. You can also browse items using the Product Finder located at the top of the page. Enter the keyword in the seeking form, select the drop-down family and click the OK button. You will see all the terms containing the keyword you have entered.
- Add items to Shopping Cart: When you find the item you are interested in, just click on the button (to buy), then the article is added to your shopping cart, a window appears with the article, the requested units and the price. While browsing the site you can always make your purchase by clicking on the icon of the basket. Here you can modify items, and see the amount of your order.
In some products there appears a pulldown menu (size) where you have to choose its size.
In the shopping cart you can continue shopping or placing an order, then you can end it up your complete purchase by clicking on the checkout button.
- Place an order: You must fill in all the boxes with your personal information so that your order be properly sent. Select one of the forms of payment that you are offered, payment on delivery, credit card, bank transfer or Paypal and the shipping method. If you choose a credit card you should connect to the payment gateway 3D-Secure and you must have a credit card, VISA or MASTERCARD.
By bank transfer, we will send you an e-mail, indicating the bank account number where to transfer. Finally click on the button to send your order.
Once your order has been processed, on the screen will all the shipment data will be displayed, the items purchased with their prices and the postage. Within 48 hours you will receive an order confirmation by e-mail, then only you can be sure that we have the items requested. Due to the large number of products offered on the page, it may happen that an item listed as available is at that time is out of stock, in that case we will send you an e-mail indicating the product is not available for the moment.
You can also make requests by telephone at 0034 974 238 888.
- The cost of shipping to Spain is a fixed one, no matter the number of products purchased or their weight. Shipping charges have I.V.A. included.
- Shipping to Spain: by SEUR transport agency. The delivery time is 24/48 hours, from Monday to Friday. The price of shipping to mainland Spain is 5 €.
- To Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla shipments will only be made by regular mail, up to 2 kg of weight per package. Delivery time is about 3 or 5 week days and the price is 5 €.
- For the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla the payment is by credit card, PayPal or bank transfer.
- For purchases over 50 €, shipping costs are free to Spain.
- If the order is made before 1 pm (Monday to Friday) the product required will be shipped on the same day. After 1 pm, next week day. Delivery times are calculated for week days but they may be affected by local or national holidays, no deliveries are made on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays.
- If the form of payment is by bank transfer, the shipping will nor be carried out until we have the bank confirmation of the transfer.
- Shipping outside of Spain will only be made by regular mail and can not be made by payment on delivery. The delivery time will depend on the different countries. The shipping price for outside of Spain depends on package weight and destination. The following table shows the prices:
COUNTRY | 0 TO 350 GRAMS | 350 TO 800 GRAMS | 800 TO 1700 GRAMS | 1700 TO 25000 GRAMS |
PORTUGAL | 6 € | 6 € | 6 € | 6 € |
BELGIUM, GERMANY, LUXEMBOURG, NETHERLANDS | 8 € | 10 € | 10 € | 10 € |
AUSTRIA, FRANCE, ITALY, POLAND | 8 € | 12 € | 12 € | 12 € |
DENMARK, CZECH REPUBLIC, UNITED KINGDOM | 8 € | 13 € | 13 € | 13 € |
BULGARIA, GREECE, FINLAND, ROMANIA | 8 € | 15 € | 22 € | 40 € |
REST OF THE WORLD | 12 € | 22 € | 36 € | NO |
You can choose one of 4 forms of payment that suits you best.
- COD: Payment is made in cash to the dealer at the time of receiving the order.
- Credit Card: We use the secure payment system known as ESC (Electronic Commerce Security). All cardholders with a "securized" credit card can always make payments with VISA or MASTERCARD in our store. In case your card is not attached to this payment system. FOROFOS will only allow payment to be made with VISA or MASTERCARD, when they are reliable customers.
In both cases, when you pay with VISA or MASTERCARD you are always ask for the following data: the card number, expiration date, and the check digit (last 3 digits of number on the back of the credit card ). The data on your credit card are not recorded in any database but goes directly to the POS (Point of Sale Terminal Bank). When paying with a ¨securized¨ VISA or MASTERCARD, besides the number and expiration date, a personal password used exclusively for Internet purchases is demanded for.
If you have not a personal password used exclusively for online payments, we advise you to apply for I a Secure Electronic Commerce Card at your financial institution. Operations are performed using a secure server based on the standard security technology SSL encrypts data that meets all Data Protection legislation.
- Bank Transfer: When choosing this form of payment we will send you an e-mail, indicating the bank account number where to transfer. In that case you will have to enter your name. At the moment we have got the bank transfer confirmation we will ship the order.
-PayPal: When you decide to make a purchase and pay by PayPal, we will send a secure payment platform PayPal for the customer to be identified as PayPal. PayPal is a fast and secure way to pay online without revealing your credit card numbers.
Shipping abroad can not be made by payment on delivery.
The items offered in the virtual store FOROFOS are garanteed by major commercial firms. Offering the highest quality and guarantee is the commitment we have with our customers.
If on receiving the product, you are not satisfied, you can return it back under the following conditions:
1 – Returned items are only accepted within the 15 days after receiving the product, after this time it will not be accept any returned item. The present legislation in Spain commands goods to be return within 15 days.
2 -- The purchase amount will be paid back if the article is in perfect condition and retains its original packaging. Shipping costs are at the customer´s expense.
3 -- Postage will not be refunded.
4 – It will not be accepted the those items that have been manipulated or show any damage or defect.
5 -- The refund of the purchase is made, once the articles received, in the same way as it has been paid.
If you want to change or return an order, shipping back to Huesca (Spain) will always be at your own expense, provided it is not a mistake made by
To return an item, customers must contact us via email or by telephone at 974 238 888.
If you have any questions o problems, the best way to get in touch with us is by email, you will be answered within 48 hours. Our email address is
You can also contact us by telephone at 0034 974 238 888. Your call will be answered from Monday to Saturday, from 10.00 to 20.30.
Our mailing address is:
Coso alto 30-32. Pasaje.
22003 - Huesca (Spain).
In order to offer our customers all the security in the purchasing process, FOROFOS use the Secure Server SSL SECURED “THAWTE ". Thanks to this protocol all communication between the client and FOROFOS remains secure, the encrypting of information between the two parties, with a length of 128 bits, the protection of personal data, credit card data, account numbers, etc..
Almost all large companies (95% of the FORTUNE 500) uses SSL to protect your web, and show users that they can trust them. Certificates THAWTE have passed the quality control of the most important software development companies and are free of any problems that could take away the validity, such as those caused by the effect 2,000.
MICROSOFT has recognized IPS as Root Certification Authority and includes THAWTE within the Certification Authorities Software solutions.
The traffic on the Internet is protected, without possibility of being intercepted for fraudulent purposes, as it can be seen in the tap shown in the browser when accessing to buy.